Jaibhim 2.0 Project

Jaibhim 2.0 project aims to take Ambedkarite Thoughts to people in every village and town in Tamil Nadu.

Comrades who want to be part of this initiative by buying Ambedkarism, the collection of Ambedkar’s works, must adopt a study centre/Library that has been established or is to be established under the name of Ambedkar, Periyar, Pandithar or Thiruma in a village, settlement or a camp where VCK has organisational presence.

They must donate the 50 volume Ambedkariam Book set to the selected study centre or library.

In places where there are no such study centres, efforts must be made to encourage comrades in the locality to establish new study centres after which the books can be donated.

One can adopt as many such centres as they can. Multiple people can come together to adopt centres as well. Names of all comrades will be displayed in www.jaibhimfoundation.net.

Those who take part is this great initiative to take Ambedkar’s Thoughts to everyone, will be an integral part of the Jai Bhim 2.0 project and will be certified as Ambassador of Ambedkarism by Dr.Thol.Thirumavalavan

Such Ambassadors will be continuously mentored on activities to be undertaken, as laid out by our leader Dr.Thol.Thirumavalavan. This will be done in person and virtually. Besides, such details will also be updated on the website.